5 SEO Ranking Factors in 2022

5 SEO Ranking Factors In 2022 - PriVi - Digital Marketing Agency Mumbai

Swati Sharma

Published On

July 15, 2022

Published In


Trying to enter the world of SEO but feeling overwhelmed is something very natural that almost every business owner feels. The competition is very high in getting the website to be ranked as high as possible on SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) as various matrices need to be considered and one mistake can lead to a huge disaster.  

The SEO keeps on changing along with the updates of Google & Bing and it becomes quite difficult to keep up with all the latest updates. But some SEO ranking factors are considered the most by various search engines along with Google & Bing which need to be taken care of always.  

After some sincere discussions with experts around the world, we have listed here the most important 5 SEO ranking factors to be considered in 2022 

5 Most Important SEO Ranking Factors to Focus on in 2022 

  1. Creating High-Quality Content  

For getting your pages indexed in search engines and helping your website rank better on them, high-quality content is the key to success. The trick to creating high-quality content is to make it well-structured, engaging, and full of relevant & useful information. Try to write the content as the answers to the queries of the readers they ask on search engines.   

Fresh and informative content always increases the chances of visibility of your website on search engines. When you provide the readers with high-quality and informative content, they spend more time on your website, which positively impacts other SEO ranking factors. 

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  1. On-Page SEO & Check on Other Technical Issues 

On-Page SEO is a kind of technical health check-up that focuses on optimizing various elements like metadata, broken links, content quality, and other changes according to the search engine guidelines. To improve the ranking, it is very important to keep track of the health of the website and an audit should be scheduled every month.  

  1. Security – HTTPS 

To increase online security by securing the user details like card numbers, passwords, etc., Google recommended all the sites to switch from HTTP to HTTPS so that the communication between the server and the browser got completely encrypted and the details of the users get secured. Google made this a ranking factor so that all the website owners ensure the security of their users.   

Another advantage of using HTTPS is your website will not get flagged by the browsers otherwise the browsers like Chrome generate a warning that says that these websites involve high risk and entering into them can put you in trouble.  

  1. Site Loading Speed  

It is estimated that the highest conversion rate on any eCommerce site occurs between 0 and 2 seconds and if the site does not load on time, you may lose the conversion. While checking the complete health of the website, keep track of the things that are slowing down your website speed. It may be any video, gif, or any other content. It is very important to pay attention to your website’s loading speed as it will help you rank better in the SERP. 

  1. Quality Backlinks 

It is the most important factor for ranking your website as these are the links from other websites to yours. When you get a backlink from an authoritative website, it increases trust among Google whereas if you are taking backlinks from any website without checking its authoritative value, it may generate toxic backlinks that ultimately affect the rank of your website.  

Always try to get natural backlinks from some relevant sources that engage the users and increase the visibility of the website.  

If you need any professional help regarding your SEO, please get in touch to discuss.

Email – [email protected]

call – +91-9429501010

Picture of Swati Sharma

Swati Sharma

She is a SEO Specialist, having experience of more than 7 years in digital marketing and currently she is working as a freelance content writer and SEO expert.
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