Why Do You Need To Keep Going With Your Online Marketing Efforts Even In A Pandemic Situation?

Why Do You Need To Keep Going With Your Online Marketing Efforts Even In A Pandemic Situation? - PriVi - Digital Marketing Agency Mumbai

Priya Thakkar

Published On

April 10, 2020


These are never seen before the situation — so should our marketing change in accordance with the truth we’re presently living in?  

 This is the issue undulating through different businesses as individuals are attempting to get their heading and structure an arrangement to push ahead right now atmosphere. 

Here, are few tips you can use this time for your business and make it count in for future. 

  1. Most of the people are on Social Media right now! So, more eyes on your brand! 

An ongoing report recommends that there is a continuous increment in social media utilization presently. Many individuals are telecommuting thus, they invest a ton of energy on the web.  

So, you need to build your brand awareness and get greater perceivability, which means driving visitors to your website to make the sales. What’s more, probably the best time to get found by potential customers is the point at which they’re looking for what you’re selling. You have to get found at each phase of the buying lifecycle, from getting new leads of potential buyers to assessing special offers. 

  1. The best time to build a list 

Right now circumstance, people are searching for the chance to socialize and to spend sometime in creative ways or to learn something new. Thus, it is kind of the best time to provide some useful offers whether you are in B2B or B2C or both.  

Right now, you can likewise dispatch a stunning offer, podcast, course, video arrangement, download or online class which causes your audience to explore their difficulties. This time is likewise best to utilize your content with the goal that you can build your email list. 

  1. Measure, measure & measure 

This is perhaps the best time when you measure your online activities, because if you don’t meausre you don’t manage & if you don’t manage, you don’t get your desired result. 

Now, when everyone is in quarantine mode, you can measure your previous content what worked for your brand and what not. You can check your google analytics and social media ROI. 


In last, the only thing is need to remember, is you should not stop your online marketing efforts. See the brighter side of this Covid-19 pandemic that now you can repurpose your content, build your email list, think about some exciting new strategies and offers and make your brand visible to the online world because approx 95% of the audience is spending time online. 

We, at #PriVi help you to build online presence of brand with best social media marketing strategies. Check out our services.  

Stay Home. Stay Safe! 

Picture of Priya Thakkar

Priya Thakkar

She is a Founder of the company, and aimed to help small business or startups to achieve their goals and results with the help of digital marketing.
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