Important Google Webmaster Tools Terminologies That You Need to Know

Important Google Webmaster Tools Terminologies That You Need to Know - PriVi - Digital Marketing Agency

Swati Sharma

Published On

January 10, 2023


Do you know why the installation of Google Webmaster Tools is required? Because every time Google visits the site, it generates a report that lets it decide whether it likes the site or not. That’s why GW tools help manage the site in Google search results. If these tools are not monitored, they can damage the business.

As everyone is not aware of the terminology used in the Google Webmaster tool, we have made it easier for you. Below is a list of all the important terminologies used in GWT that help you keep track of your website’s search traffic and its performance in Google search results. 

1. Google search console: 

It tells how any site will appear in a Google search and gives tools for how its ranking will increase. Whenever a visitor visits a particular site and searches, or the content written on that site is ranked by solving inquiries or how many people have clicked, all these are searched through this tool. It monitors for any technical issues and repeatedly crawls the site to regulate how Google views each page.

2. Search analytics: 

This tool tracks all the queries for which users visit the site and what pages are displayed from those searches. Analyzing site traffic to determine where the most traffic is coming from helps manage website speed by tracking marketing data to increase the performance of each web browser. This webmaster​ tool is the best free Google tool for any business, and with the right use of it, accurate or complete information is given about the visitors coming to the site.

Check Out Our Previous Blogs Usefulness of The Google Webmaster Tool  Here.

3. Links to your site: 

During the content marketing of any website, the question arises as to when other sites send backlinks and how they can be tracked. These links are also called backlinks. Using the link to your site tool in the webmaster’s search section, you can find out which domains are linking to you, which content they are linking to, or which anchor text they are using.

4. Structured data testing tool:

It helps to observe whether you have executed the markup data correctly on the site or not. The structured data is evaluated using the structured data testing tool and the structured data markup helper. Thus, even search results show rich snippets or knowledge panels. These data add various types of markups to the webpage to provide additional information about the pages’content. By emphasizing the specific elements of each webpage, this tool aids Google in understanding the content of websites.

5. Security issues:

If there is any security issue on the website, then Google will inform you through this tool. It provides a security check for the site. This tool can also detect if a website has been hacked or if there are any cyber security issues.

6. HTML improvements: 

It displays the issues affecting the ranking based on the content of the website so that they can be resolved as soon as possible. It divides into three sections: meta descriptions, meta titles, and non-indexable content.

7. Crawl errors: 

The crawl errors section is used to make sure that Google can find all the pages of the site, that up-to-date pages are showing up in the search, and that there is no server error. These issues are bad for users because the searchers are unable to reach the pages they are searching for. Regular use of the tool redirects the error pages or updates the URLs.


Google Webmaster Tool is a crucial toolbox because it can identify problems that are discovered while crawling a website or driving the most traffic to it. As a result, it is imperative that you pay attention to this.

Picture of Swati Sharma

Swati Sharma

She is a SEO Specialist, having experience of more than 7 years in digital marketing and currently she is working as a freelance content writer and SEO expert.
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